SHIFT Concussion Management

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What is SHIFT Concussion Management?

“The shift concussion management program is an advanced approach to concussion rehabilitation guiding athletes safely back to full participation in their sport and their lives”.  However, athletes are not the only people who experience concussions; concussions can also result from motor vehicle accidents, falls and/or while playing games (children on a playground, riding bikes etc.). The Shift Concussion course provides an up-to-date guideline for best practices when assessing and/or treating concussed individuals. The program provides comprehensive care and individualized rehabilitative strategies for treating patients with concussion or post-concussion symptoms.

What is a Concussion?

In the professional world a concussion is a complex pathophysiological process affecting the brain, induced by biomechanics forces. Concussions are considered mild traumatic brain injuries (mTBI) that cause a stretching of cellular tissues without structural changes.

More simply, a concussion (also known as a mild traumatic brain injury or mTBI) does not result in structural changes to the cells of your brain (brain cells are called neurons); in other words, your brain tissue does not tear. Instead, a concussion is the result of stretching your neurons (brain cells). The stretching of these tissues/cells make it harder for them to function as they did before. It now takes more energy for each cell to regulate itself; each cell enters a state of energy crisis and the cells have to work harder to perform their specific functions.  

Some strategies to consider after sustaining a concussion include:

Full recovery from a concussion is expected to occur after days-months, this is true for most cases. However, 15-20% of concussed individuals continue to experience persistent and potentially disabling problems beyond the typical recovery period. Some problems include: reduced functional ability, heightened emotional distress and poor performance at work/school and/or delayed return. If symptoms persist it is commonly known as post-concussion syndrome.

Shift providers find the best approach for concussion management using best evidence, objective assessment strategies and clinical experience/judgement to individualize for each patient's care.

Dr. Allen completed the ‘Concussion Care – clinical training and education for health care providers’ course in May of 2017. He utilizes the knowledge learned to identify concussed patients and provide the best care including best advice and treatment options. Dr. Allen has experience working with patients who have sustained recent concussions and those who have persistent post-concussion symptoms.

Book with Dr. Joseph Allen.

Dr. Joseph Allen